
Fallout shelter save file location on android
Fallout shelter save file location on android

fallout shelter save file location on android

It crashes and then just loads to the main picture and closes the app. It first did this when I had 50 dwellers, then when I had 79, and now when I had 12 dwellers. "I don't know why mine is happening, but I haven't been able to play for weeks now. The progress loss seems irreversible even reinstalling the game may be of no help. But what concerns me is that I have in-app purchases I've bought lunchboxes and Mr Handy packages with this save and do not want to lose this money," ranted a user on Bethesda's forum. I cannot even get to the Main menu to attempt to create a new game. I have restarted my phone, closed all apps, flushed memory. it passed the first few opening overlay slides, then when it appears to try and. "After my phone ran out of memory mid game, the game now no longer loads my saved game. Several Fallout Shelter users have also flooded Bethesda's forum to express their annoyance and find a solution. It is not clear whether the bug affects iOS users. But I did purchase lunchboxes so I guess I just wasted my money," noted a gamer on Reddit. Upon further investigation my save file is now 0KB, meaning it somehow got corrupted.

fallout shelter save file location on android

"So I was enjoying Fallout Shelter on Android but today when I went to start it, it just would quit before the main menu.

fallout shelter save file location on android

Gamers have expressed their ire on different communities, hoping for a tangible solution to the issue. The saved files become 0KB, which means they are blank, thanks to the bug. Also, the game keeps crashing a few frames on the loading screen. Consequently, when the user restarts Fallout Shelter to resume the game, the entire progress is reset and one is asked to start a new vault. The bug reportedly pops up when the phone's battery dies in the midst of gameplay or when the memory runs out.

Fallout shelter save file location on android